#Zerowaste collar


Weight 0.5 kg
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Zerowaste collar (black with filters)
Since the inception of La femme MiMi, I’ve always used leftover fabrics for belts, trims and collars. This one is made from fabric remnants used for a luxurious evening dress for La femme MiMi’s 10th anniversary. It’s simple, elegant and simply picks up your outfit. It will complement a simple blouse, shirt, sweater, dress and plain t-shirt. If you don’t want to keep it in your closet most of the time and only pull it out occasionally, you can rent it and try it on for a while.
The price for renting for 5 days is 300kč and you need to pay a deposit of 50% of the sale price, which will be refunded immediately upon return. Contact us at mimi@lafemmemimi.com.